Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

"smoke" break

people have their own way of coping with things. doesnt seem i cope with things..i keep my distance long enough to forget. i donot delete the person nor do i get angry, i just wait, they will get tired and leave me...well most do. the ones that stick around, well they stick around. i like those people, the forgiving ones to my moments off the map.

more seem to be sticking around these days. i'm not sure why.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


rising from the pit of my stomach
feasting on lemon rinds and black coffee along the way
bulding to the throat into a suffocating dryness
swelling into the figment of my imagination

a mere catalogue of memories of things seen and unseen:
a conservatory,
a field,
parcel deliveries,
an island,
wind turbines,
a blue couch (i think)...

feeling the loss as i debate, grey? or blue?