Friday, August 2, 2013

i am equipped

My life a year ago was a little emotionally rocky. my mother had been going through chemo and i was having some (what i thought were) minor marital problems. But I had hopes to tell her i was pregnant before she died. I had a dream of family with my very long time best friend and partner and husband. I had a chip on my shoulder that thought he and i were immune to us ending.
This year, now.
My mother is no longer with us and my husband left me four months ago for a 24 year old waitress. she's knocked up now. The latter news hit me hardest of all.. any hope i had for him and i had for getting back together, gone. It took me a few days of crying to finally see a little passed the dusty storm. I had my moments of rage and my moments of utter despair. I went a little crazy.

This has all humbled me to say the least, but i feel more equipped for the people i love around me. If a friend goes through a divorce or separation i can relate. if a friend loses a parent i can relate. and help the best i can. i am grateful for this.

I have been lucky in life. I have always been grateful for that.