Sunday, February 27, 2011

milk man anyone?

awakened by the cat's meow i lay in my empty bed
its 8am and he's at eliza's house and I've requested a donut. his voice happy as he comes in. i rustle out of bed to greet him i feel his eyes stare me down in my nudity.
I begin to think about how madly in love i am with our peculiar relationship. Knowing that he's hopped up on a bit of blow. knowing he's mostl likely shared sexual thoughts with my dearest girlfriend. how we mantain ourselves seperate and together.

an hour later we lay panting and all i can think is.

you're so cool
you're so cool
you're so cool

Or maybe my eyes

My memory and wits about time fail me these days. As i look at people on the train and think they must be someone else, someone i know. The girl across from me, Krista. Of course its not really her. It's been 5 years and she looks younger than I remember. But at second glance, it might be as I watch her eyes scan the NYC tourist map. I ponder calling out to her. Krista?
Can't be her. She would be about 40 now and this girl isn't even in her 30s. Time sure has played a mental trick on me today.