Tuesday, January 27, 2015

verbatim journal entry 01

It's the first official day of my new journal.  Welcome.  Before today I'd been "journaling" in my blog.  It served its purpose, to satisfy my need for external attention.  Todd, my now ex-husband, wasn't satisfying my attention needs.  He's not completely to be blamed. He was working a lot and I was in summer session from classes.  In a new city with no friends in town and a whole summer to spend, I turned to the most accessible attention, the internet.  Anonymous social networks and blogs. Fast forward 8 years, completing grad school, a few jobs, three neighborhood re-locations, a dead mother, a divorce, depression and 30+ lbs weight gain. And now, I am finally lonely enough to not want internet based attention.  It's been a long journey to get into the comfort of being alone. To cuddle it and embrace it.  It is not some poetic action nor is it something that lasts forever because now i truly know nothing does. It's very nice to meet you Susana, I plan on loving you for the rest of my life.


  1. You wrote this four months ago.

    Not sure if I should reply...although I feel like I want to. Ultimately you're right...at the end of the day, in the dark of your room, in the silence of the night it's you and you alone.

    So embrace you. Know you. Love you.

    Internet-found or not, I'm happy to have you as a friend.

  2. Thank you... again. :)

    your fortunate friend,
